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I really like the idea of your game! However, there are things that could make the game so much better.
First of all, checkpoints. I guess that's caused mostly by the time limit, but the lack of checkpoints is definitely the worst part. Restarting the whole level after a bad jump makes is way too annyoing and should be the first thing to add next, in my opinion.
Which brings me to my second point, which is the jumping. I think the character should jump a little higher, or at least have some more airtime. It would make it less easy to die and the lack of checkpoints would be a lot less of a problem.
To be honest, if you had time to fix most of the bugs, add those two things and more levels, the game would've been awesome. I really hope you continue to work on this, since the idea is great ^^

Thank you so so much! You are right I would of loved to add checkpoints, fix all the bugs, and add more features if  I     had more time. About the jumping, I purposely made it weak so the player would be forced to use the ability to make a staircase of tiles to get to places so it wouldn't be to easy. If people like the game then I wouldn't mind going back to fix everything and add the needed features.